Department of Informatics and Mechatronics

Important www pages

Our students should from time to time look on following pages :)
Dean"s Office is a very important administrative unit of any university including our University. It deals with all matters connected with the course of study of each student. Student Website (Wortal Studencki) was created especially for you. There you will find information about the current organization of studies and the student life at our University in general.
E-debuts" publisher ("E-debiuty - Przestrzeń Akademickiej Pracy Twórczej") is an online platform where students and doctoral students works will be published. Texts from various fields are accepted for publishing. The author can decide whether it is a scientific or popular science text. "E-debuts" is an excellent opportunity for students to gain professional publications!
You should remember how important it is to constantly improve your skills!
This is an e-learning platform.
Library of University of Economy in Bydgoszcz.
 It’s a Student Forum. There you can meet other students :)
This is an on-line Dean"s Office.